
30 Oct 2018

19. The sum of first 14 terms of an A.P. is 1050 and its 14th term is 140. Find the 20th term.

1.    The sum of first 14 terms of an A.P. is 1050 and its 14th term is 140. Find the 20th term.

18. How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250?

1.   How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250?

17. Which term of the sequence 3, 8, 13, ……………. Is 78?

1.   Which term of the sequence 3, 8, 13, ……………. Is 78?

16. How many terms of the series 18+15+12+……………. When added give 45?

1.   How many terms of the series 18+15+12+……………. When added give 45?

15. The 6th term of an A.P. is 16 and the 14th term is 32. Determine the 36th term.

1.   The 6th term of an A.P. is 16 and the 14th term is 32. Determine the 36th term.

14. Split 207 into three parts such that these parts are in A.p. and the product of the two smaller parts is 4623.

1.   Split 207 into three parts such that these parts are in A.p. and the product of the two smaller parts is 4623.

13. Divide 96 into four parts which are in A.P. and the ratio between the product of their means and the product of their extremes is 15 : 7.

1.   Divide 96 into four parts which are in A.P. and the ratio between the product of their means and the product of their extremes is 15 : 7.

12. The angles of a quadrilateral are in A.P. with common difference 20 degree. Find its angles.

   The angles of a quadrilateral are in A.P. with common difference 20 degree. Find its angles.

11. The sum of the three consecutive numbers of an A.P. is 21 and the sum of their squares is 165. Find these terms.

1.   The sum of the three consecutive numbers of an A.P. is 21 and the sum of their squares is 165. Find these terms.

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10. Find the sum of 7 lying between 300 and 700.

 Find the sum of 7 lying between 300 and 700.

Find the sum of : (i) All odd natural numbers smaller than 50. (ii) First 12 natural numbers that are multiples of 7.

 Find the sum of :
(i)              All odd natural numbers smaller than 50.
(ii)           First 12 natural numbers that are multiples of 7.

Find the sum of the first 22 terms of the A.P. : 1, 3, -2, …………….

1.   Find the sum of the first 22 terms of the A.P. :
1, 3, -2, …………….

7. How many three digit numbers are divisible by 87?

   How many three digit numbers are divisible by 87?

6. Find the value of p, if x, 2x+p and 3x+6 are in A.P.

1.   Find the value of p, if x, 2x+p and 3x+6 are in A.P.

5. If the third term of an A.P. is 5 and the seventh term is 9, find the 17th term.

1.   If the third term of an A.P. is 5 and the seventh term is 9, find the 17th term.

4. The sum of the 4th and the 8th terms of an A.P. is 24 and the sum of the 6th and the 10th terms of the same A.P. is 34. Find the first three terms of the A.P.

   The sum of the 4th and the 8th terms of an A.P. is 24 

and the sum of the 6th and the 10th terms of the same A.P. is 34. 

Find the first three terms of the A.P.

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