
12 Mar 2019

Linear Inequations Revision Question - 1 (Grade 10)

(x2 – x - 2) is a factor of x3 + 3x2 + ax + b, calculate the values of a and b. Write all the factors of the given expression.

11 Mar 2019

annual income

A man wants to buy 124 shares available at Rs. 66 
(par value = Rs. 50). 

(i) How much should he invest? 

(ii) If the dividend is 7.5%, what will his annual income be? 

(iii) If he wants to increase income by Rs. 600, how many extra shares should he buy? 

14 Dec 2018

Find the length of its hypotenuse.

The sides forming the right angle of a
 right angled triangle are 7 cm and 5 cm. 
Find the length of its hypotenuse.

What is the ratio of the numbers

Daily practice Math and live answers from educators! There are 47 female teachers and 18 male teachers at BHUVAN's ACADEMY. What is th...