
23 Jan 2018

Mathematics: Everywhere

Mathematics: Everywhere
Mathematics expresses or shows itself everywhere, in almost every facet of your life – in the nature all around us, and in the various technologies which are in our hands. Mathematics is the primary language of science and engineering – it describes our understanding of all that we observe.
Introduction & Concepts
Mathematics has been around since the very beginnings of the time and it most probably began with normal counting. You can learn from the history of mathematics, and get to know some of the greatest mathematical minds and their contributions.
·         In Counting

Counting various quantities is one of the most common activities that people engage in from young age. However, sometimes we wonder, that how big is one million? See how much space one million saga seeds occupy and be awed by numbers that you can relate to in your daily lives like the number of heartbeats in a typical lifetime.

·         In Nature
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... This is the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is derived from adding the previous two numbers. This sequence of numbers can be found in many natural patterns like in pineapples, sunflowers, and nautilus and pine cones.
Our eyes are usually drawn to the objects that are symmetrical. Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is often used as a representation of symmetry in the human body. The Soothing Symmetries exhibit anchors this section and explains what symmetry means to science and in mathematics, as well as in everyday life.
  In Shapes, Curves & Patterns
Circles, squares, triangles and rectangles are just a few of the shapes that are familiar to us through our daily lives. Discover the usefulness, beauty and 'cleanness' of the round shapes, and learn more about the other shapes that can be found around us.
  In Games & Puzzles
Most of the puzzles and games require mathematical logic and deduction. Even a simple snake and ladder game require simple mathematical concepts. Game of cards, even game such as cricket, all of them requires simple mathematics.

Odds Are Stacked Against You! Explores the odds of various casino games like roulette, blackjack and slot machines. This will set many thinking about their chances of winning in gambling.
·         In Time & The Heavens
Mathematics was previously developed to understand the cycles of nature as observed in the seasons. Ancient people understood the need to define time in relation to celestial movements for agricultural, astronomical, astrological and navigational reasons.
  In Real Applications
Mathematic is used in our everyday lives; from figuring out the amount needed to buy your lunch to calculating the bank’s interest. For example, internet banking is getting more and more common these days, and we depend on cryptology – the study of protecting information using codes – to keep our transactions safe.

Hence basically maths is everywhere around us, we do not notice it in particular but if we start noticing then we will see that it is involved in each and every aspect of life.

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